© John H. Seabury
Last month, shortly after wrapping up production on the Miss Experience White podcast, I rushed out of town to check on a friend who’d suffered a personal crisis during the pandemic. As I drove down the highway, I left Miss White behind. Because, although there are plenty of similarities, I am not Experience White. Yes, I incorporated both tiny and huge chunks of my life and family history to assemble the story, but I made particular, deliberate choices, so another set of choices would’ve led to another assembly—another character and story. But again, not really me.
I saw my friend, and it was much worse than I’d imagined. As I drove back, I thought about old friends who’ve passed, new friends who’ve come, and the collaborative creative process itself, where friendships so often are born. I thought of all the amazing luck and terrific support I’d received.
Richard Modiano, old friend, Executive Director Emeritus of Beyond Baroque Literary Arts Center, read the manuscript and pronounced it “Overall, excellent.”
Kathleen Winter, award-winning poet and teacher, offered valuable feedback.
John H. Seabury, acclaimed Bay Area illustrator. My initial idea was a no-frills podcast along with an elaborate wall calendar: both would promote a published book of poems. John could do the calendar plus make the book very special with his images—not your usual poetry chapbook. His intense dedication got me through a couple of rough patches. He’s a great artist who inspires me every day by his example. We’ve become dear friends and yes, a book is still the plan. Also thanks to John’s friend and fellow artist Bruce Horton who, along with Bruce’s assistant Gidget, helped John meet the deadline.
David Lawrence, a close buddy from high school, much like a brother. Initially, I thought Dave could produce the podcast, but after reading the manuscript he declined, saying he was going to send me to “the best.”
Jim McKee, of Earwax Productions. It turned out Dave knows one of “the best” sound designers in the world. Jim came on board as sound designer and co-producer while Dave stayed on to co-produce with me, and the podcast suddenly bloomed into a surrealistic radio play with cinematic production values. Working with Jim is what I refer to as “getting the airlift.” There’ve been a few times in my life when an important collaborator or teacher has appeared. It’s like a rope dangling down from a helicopter overhead, and if I can just grab it and hold on for the ride, I’ll go places I never thought possible.
Charlie Varon, acting coach, who is also an acclaimed writer/performer. I am especially grateful to Charlie for his writerly wisdom. Some of the poetry was too dense for the ear and needed revising: very few acting coaches are fine writing coaches, too.
Erik Ian Walker, friend, musician, and composer. Very early on, I asked Erik to come aboard as music director. He played keyboards on The Perambulator, so I knew ours would be a successful collaboration. What I did not know was that Erik is an amazing film composer. Later this year I’ll put a music soundtrack page on my site, featuring his original compositions.
Kate Sheehan and Andy Hamner, my friends and the zealous researchers for the “on this date” events in the Miss Experience White 2021 calendar. None of us knew how challenging the research and fact-checking would be. I could only fit in a tiny fraction of what they provided.
Alexandra Fischer, graphic designer, who gave me fair warning that calendars are a whole lot of work.
Sarah Miller, a good friend and professional editor, who graciously offered her expertise because I was finding out that calendars are… a whole lot of work!
Lynn Zanandrea and Melanie Clarin DeGiovanni. Each gave their permission to use the music of Mark Zanandrea and the band It Thing. It was important to me that my dear friend Mark, who passed away in 2019, be meaningfully involved with the podcast. Melanie, Mark’s longtime music partner, also played some robust accordion in Part II.
Musicians Omar Ledezma Jr., Dave Mihaly, Daniel Fabricant, and Dan Compton. All contributed inspiring, evocative musical parts. Producer/engineer John Karr, Ear Relevant Recording, brought expertise and positive vibes to our music recording session.
Kristy LaFollette, a friend who did something many friends wouldn’t bother to do; she urged me to reconsider a provocative promotional graphic, suggesting it might inflict more harm than stir up controversial good.
My mother Carmen Liston, who is a much more well-rounded, accomplished person than the mother of Experience White.
And finally, my deepest, most delighted “Thank You!” to everyone who shared links, helped promote the podcast and wrote positive reviews. Because of you, hundreds of people have already listened, and the audience continues to grow.
As a producer for over 20 years, I’ve seen the varying degrees of commitment people bring to a project. Body and mind come naturally, a heart may come too, but a soul commitment is rare. With Miss Experience White, both calendar and podcast, I saw people bring their souls. Some worked for free or very little, others donated their fee; all of us worked through a global pandemic, historic election, and ongoing right-wing coup. Because we knew the soul of America was in peril. It still is. And my anxiety and gratitude do not work against each other. They actually make me work harder.